
Having already warned (in the previous Pasuk) against touching the mountain, why does the Torah need to repeat it?


What is added by, "O Yaroh Yiyareh"?


Were wild animals and birds permitted to go on Har Sinai?


What do we learn from the Torah's comparison of Behemah to Ish?


Why were the animals forbidden to go on the mountain?


What was the "Yovel"?


What is the meaning of "bi'Meshoch ha'Yovel"?


Bearing in mind the Pasuk regarding the second Luchos, "Gam ha'Tzon v'ha'Bakar Al Yir'u El Mul ha'Har ha'Hu" (34:3) which implies that the prohibition would be automatically lifted once the Shechinah departed from the mountain, why does the Torah need to add "bi'Meshoch ha'Yovel Heimah Ya'alu ba'Har"?



Rashi writes: "'Yaroh Yiyareh' - From here, [it is derived] that those who are liable to death by stoning, are pushed down ... " (Sanhedrin 45a). But deriving the Halachos of Sekilah from our Pasuk, raises the following questions; a. How can this one-time Mitzvah be used as a source for the Halachah that would apply for all generations? b. Our Pasuk says, "he shall be surely be stoned or cast down," which implies an option; how do we derive that Sekilah entails both casting down and stoning? c. Why does our Pasuk mention stoning first, if in practice, casting down is done first?


Rashi writes: "'The Yovel' - ... This was the Shofar of Yitzchak's ram." Why that particular Shofar?


Rashi writes: "'The Yovel' - ... This was the Shofar of Yitzchak's ram." But as a Korban Olah, that ram was completely burnt - including its horns?


Rashi writes that "O Yaroh Yiyareh" teaches us that one who is stoned is cast down. Maseches Sanhedrin (45a) outlines the procedure; first he is cast down, and then stoned. But the Torah writes "Sakol Yisakel" first - and within one context, the Torah retains its chronological order (Pesachim 6b)?


Rashi writes that "O Yaroh Yiyareh" teaches us that someone who is stoned is cast down. Why does the Torah then write "O" (or), seeing as casting down is mandatory - only that if it does not kill him, they stone him?

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