
What is the meaning of "va'Yeda Almenosav"?


Rashi #1: He afflicted (raped) women and killed their husbands.


Rashi #2: Some say that Almenosav is like Armenosav; va'Yeda is an expression of destroying, like "v'Gavoha mi'Merchak Yeyeda" (Tehilim 138:6).


Radak: The pronoun refers to Adam mentioned [at the end of the previous verse]. He used to kill men and lie with their widows. "Va'Yeda" is like "veha'Adam Yada Es Chavah Ishto" (Bereishis 4:1). Verses teach that he murdered - "v'Gam Dam ha'Naki Asher Shafach" (Melachim II, 24:4), "Ki Ein Einecha v'Libecha Ki Im Al Bitzecha v'Al Dam ha'Naki Lishfoch" (Yirmeyah 22:17).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: I will destroy their palaces. He explains va'Yeda like "va'Yoda Bahem Es Anshei Sukos" (Shoftim 8:15); Almenosav is like Armenosav.


Malbim: A Kefir does not normally leave its den. He knew to go out to Ulamei Sha'arav (the outer rooms of his house). I.e. he tore prey outside of Eretz Yisrael.


How did he destroy their cities?


Rashi: He put a tax on the land to give to Pharaoh every year, like it says in Melachim II, 23:35.


Radak: They were destroyed via his evil deeds. He did not overtly destroy them. The same applies to "v'Es ha'Ir Tisrof ba'Esh" (Yirmeyah 38:23) said to Tzidkiyah.


Malbim: He destroyed cities of neighbors of Eretz Yisrael. He made war with neighbors that Nebuchadnetzar put under his Reshus, like I explained in Yirmeyah Perek 27.


Why does it say "va'Tesam Eretz u'Mlo'ah mi'Kol Sha'agaso"?


Radak: Eretz Yisrael is desolate from his roaring. He used to impose his fear on people. Since he was compared to a Kefir, it says "his roaring."

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