
What is the significance of going among the lions?


Radak: Yehoyakim went among kings, i.e. Pharaoh Necho and Nebuchadnetzar. Sometimes he was with this one, and sometimes with this one. Melech Bavel conquered him and brought him to Bavel, and afterwards he returned to Yerushalayim and rebelled against Melech Bavel; Melech Egypt helped him.


Malbim: Amidst this - ha made a Bris with Pharaoh, and afterwards with Nebuchadnetzar - he became a Kefir, even though he was weak when he became king. This is why they made Yeho'achaz king first!


Why does it say "Kefir Hayah"?


Radak: He did not rise in level be called Ari. Rather, he was Kefir, like when he became king.


Malbim: Refer to 19:6:1:2.


What do we learn from "va'Yilmad Litraf Teref Adam Achal"?


Radak: (a) Perhaps he fought with Edom, Mo'av and Bnei Amon, for they came against him with troops of Kasdim when he rebelled against Melech Bavel. (b) Also in Yisrael, he spilled innocent blood.


Malbim: He spilled innocent blood - "v'Gam Dam ha'Naki Asher Shafach" (Melachim II, 24:4).

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