
What are "Matos Oz El Shivtei Moshelim"?


Rashi: They are powerful governors and mighty kings.


Radak: Its branches were staffs of power and grandeur, with staffs of the rulers, i.e. kings who have in their hands the staffs of Musar.


Malbim: This is great power. It joined with rulers of nations around Yerushalayim that made a Bris with it.


Why does it say "va'Tigbah Komaso" (masculine)?


Radak: Even though Gefen is usually feminine, here it is masculine, and also "Gefen Bokek Yisrael" (Hoshe'a 10:1).


What is the meaning of "[Bein] Avosim"?


Rashi: They are trees with many branches.


Radak: It is the branch amidst the branches. It is taller than all other branches, and in the middle of the tree; it is called Tzimras. This was higher than Tzimras of all other trees. The Nimshal is, the Malchus of David and his son Shlomo was higher than that of the Goyim. All of them obeyed Malchus Beis David and were subservient under it; it seemed higher than all of them, with many Giborim, officers and dignitaries - "b'Rov Daliyosav."


Malbim: They are trees whose branches are interwoven. The vine was higher than them, and its height was seen, unlike Nebuchadnetzar's desire that it be a lowly vine on the ground (refer to 17:6:2:2).

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