
On what grounds did Lot expect to be saved if he went to Tzo'ar?


Rashi #1 and Targum Yonasan: He hoped that Tzo'ar would be spared, because, since it was built one year after Sedom, its sins were fewer than those of Sedom.


Rashi #2, Targum Onkelus and Rashbam: Because it was smaller than Sedom, and HaSh-m might agree to spare it, to enable him to escape there. 1


The two explanations argue about whether "Mitz'ar" means 'younger' (in years) or 'fewer' (in inhabitants).



Rashi writes: "Simply explained, 'It is a small city with few inhabitants; You surely will not mind sparing it....'" How does Rashi explain the repeated phrase, "Is it not small," about which the Gemara (Shabbos 10b) asks that this was plain to see!


Gur Aryeh: Although it was plain to see that it was small, Lot did have to explain why that constituted a reason that the city should be spared. The Gemara is troubled only why it says "Is this city not close by to flee there," which was plain to see.

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