
Whose children were these?


Radak: They are of the 600 men. They took their wives 1 and children, for they were confident that they will capture the city.


Why does the verse mention their children and flocks, but not their wives? Perhaps it is obvious that they took also their wives. Kli Yakar says that ha'Kevudah refers to them, but Radak implies unlike this. Refer to 18:21:2:2,3. (PF)


What is "ha'Kevudah"?


Rashi: It is the heavy loads that cannot go fast, if the people of the place will chase them.


Radak: It is Kelim and Metaltelim (movable objects). The Targum is Kinyana, like the Targum of Rechush (property or wealth 1 ) - Kelim, gold, silver and other Metaltelim.


Kli Yakar (Lani'ado) #2: It refers to their wives - "Kol Kevudah Vas Melech Penimah" (Tehilim 45:14). They feared lest people of Michah's city take the women for security until the idolatry is returned.


Kli Yakar (Lani'ado) #1: A person's wealth is his honor.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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