What is "Reishisam asher Yitnu la'Hashem" coming to include?
Rashi: It includes Terumah Gedolah. 1
Ramban (in Devarim 18:3, citing the Sifri): "Reishisam" includes Reishis ha'Gez, "asher Yitnu" - Zero'a, L'chayaim ve'Keivah 2 and "la'Hashem" - Chalah.
Which is called "Reishis", because it precedes Ma'aser Rishon (Rashi Eruvin, 31b). Refer also to Devarim 18:4:1:1*.
The right foreleg, the jaw and the stomach which anyone who Shechts a Chulin animal is obligated to gve to the Kohen.
Why does the Torah refer to Terumah as "Reishisam"?
Rashi (in Eruvin, 31b): To teach us that Terumah Gedolah precedes Ma'aser - which one separates from what remains after Terumah has been separated. 1
Why does the Pasuk insert the word ?Cheilev? in connection with Yitzhar, Tiyrosh and Dagan?
Rashbam: Based in Pasuk 30, it teache us that, when giving Terumah on oil, wine and grain, one should give ?the best? qto the Kohen. 1
Bechoros, 53b & 54a: To teach us that one must give Cheilev of wine and of oil separately - and not from one on to the other. And "Reishisam" teaches us that the same applies to wine and corn and to two species of corn (such as wheat and barley). 2
Why does the Torah not insert the word "ve'Cheilev" before "Dagan"?