
Why does it say "Lev Navon Yikneh Da'as"?


R. Yonah: After reaching the level of Binah, he ascends from it to the level of Da'as. He constantly acquires Da'as with his Sechel and Binah.


Malbim: A Navon, who understands a matter amidst another matter, he acquires Da'as via his heart in this way. Da'as is a Kinyan for him; he need not seek it from others.


Why does it say "v'Ozen Chachamim Tevakesh Da'as"?


R. Yonah: Chazal said, 'who is a Chacham? One who learns from everyone - "mi'Kol Melamedai Hiskalti" (Tehilim 119:99) (Avos 4:1). A Chacham prepares his heart to receive Chachmah from Chachamim - first one should learn Chachmah, and afterwards strive to attain reasoning (Shabbos 63a).


Malbim: A Chacham received Chachmah from tradition, and does not have a clear Yedi'ah, for there is no proof for the laws of Chachmah. He seeks Da'as via his ear. He goes to Nevonim to hear reasons for the received laws of Chachmah.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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