
What exactly was Moshe referring to, when he told Yisro about "all that Hashem did to Pharaoh and Egypt ... "?


Seforno: He was referring to Hashem's revenge against the Egyptians, 1 due to the pain they had caused Yisrael - with reference to the Makos 2 that they suffered at the Yam-Suf. 3


Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: He was referring literally to everything that Hashem had done to Pharaoh and the Egyptians concerning Klal Yisrael.


Seforno: As the Torah writes in Devarim 32:41.


Seforno: As described in Tehilim - "Yeshalach Bam Charon Apo; Evrah va'Za'am, v'Tzarah, Mishlachas Mal'achei Ra'im" (Tehilim 78:49).


Seforno: Through which He indicated that He had chosen Yisrael as a treasure from all the nations.


In the opening Pasuk in the Parshah, Yisro heard about what Hashem had done on behalf of Moshe and Yisrael. Why, here does Moshe mention Yisrael and omit mention of himself?


Oznayim la'Torah: Anybody else with the achievements of Moshe Rabeinu, would certainly have made sure to mention himself - but not Moshe, the 'Anav mi'Kol Adam'!


What exactly was Moshe referring to, when he told Yisro about "all the travail that befell them on the way, and that Hashem saved them"?


Rashi: He was referring to the troubles of the Yam-Suf, and the battle with Amalek." (All the travail that befell them on the way" includes Milchemes Amalek; and "all that Hashem did to Pharaoh and Egypt ... ," to Keri'as Yam-Suf - which are the two things that Yisro heard initially that prompted him to come out to the desert in the first place (Rashi to 18:1). Now, Moshe related to Yisro the details.)


Rashbam: He was referring to Pharaoh chasing after Yisrael; and the water, the Manna, and the meat with which Hashem provided Yisrael.


Seforno: He was referring to the hunger and thirst from which He saved them; and from the pursuing army of Pharaoh from which He rescued them. 1


Targum Yonasan: He was referring to the troubles of the Yam-Suf, Marah and Refidim (the water); and how He had saved them from the attack of Amalek.


Seforno: Through which He demonstrated his Divine Providence over them.


Why did Moshe see fit to tell Yisro about the miracles that Hashem had performed with Yisrael?


Rashi: To attract him and bring him close to Torah. 1


Seforno: The above miracles demonstrate how Hashem chose Yisrael as a treasure from among the other nations, and that He watches them with specific Hashgachah. The obvious conclusion, Moshe argued, is that their outlook and deeds now be directed towards serving Him unitedly (i.e. that Yisro should join Klal Yisrael).


Gur Aryeh: Otherwise, what was the point of telling Yisro stories of events that he had already heard about (see Rashi to 18:1)!


Bearing in mind the obligation to offer an out-of-town guest something to eat (Bava Kama 92a), why did Moshe first tell Yisro all that Hashem had done, before offering him food?


Oznayim la'Torah (to 18:7): Because every portion of Man was measured - one Omer per person - and there was nothing extra with which to feed guests! Moreover, it was forbidden to feed Nochrim Man, and it was only after a portion of Man fell for Yisro 1 - after he had circumcised and converted - that they were able to serve him a meal.


See Oznayim la'Torah, DH 'va'Yavo'u ha'Ohelah' #2.

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