
What can we learn from Yisro's words "Baruch Hashem"?


B'rachos, 54a: It teaches us the obligarion to recite a B'rachah over a miracle. 1


Sanhedrin, 94a: It is an embarrassment that Yisrael did not bless Hashem until Yisro came and and said "Baruch Hashem". 2


Even though Har Sinai was not the location of the miracle, he was reciting the B'rachah over seiing the peeople with whom Hashem performed the miracle. See Oznayim la'Torah. DH 'Baruch Hashem' #3.


See Oznayim la'Torah, who explains that this does not mean that 'Baruch' is greater than Shirah.


To whom is "Eschem" referring"?


Ramban: It refers to Moshe and Yisrael.


Rashbam and Seforno: It refers to Moshe and Aharon.


Oznayim la'Torah: It refers to Moshe, Aharon and the elders who accompanied Moshe and Aharon to greet Yisro.


What was Yisro referring to when he mentioned "from the hand of Egypt" and "from the hand of Par'oh", and then added "and from under the hand of Egypt"?


Rashi: He was referring to the fact that, not only did Hashem save Yisrael from Egypt (a tough nation) and from Par'oh (a tough king), but He also rescued them from a particularly harsh subjugation to which they were subjected.


Ramban #1: He was referring to two independent miracles - 1. to saving Yisrael from the hands of the angry Egyptians (after each plague), and Moshe from the clutches of Par'oh whenever he came to warn him; 1 2. to the rescue of Yisrael from the subjugation of Egypt and taking them out to freedom.


Ramban #2 (citing the Ibn Ezra), Seforno and Rashabm: Refer to 18:10:2:1, only he said "Eschem" with reference to Moshe and Aharon, whom Hashem rescued from the clutches of the Egyptians of Par'oh.


Oznayim la'Torah: Refer to 18:10:1:3. Yosro said "mi'Yad Mitzrayim u'mi'Yad Par'oh" with reference to the leadership of such cruel masters, which the elite of Yisrael resented; whereas "mi'Tachas Yad Mitzrayim" he said with reference to the harsh conditions of the slavery, 2 which all the people suffered - which Yisro now blessed Hashem for rescuing them.


Inasmuch as Par'oh was helpless to kill Moshe and Aharon or even to have them removed .


Refer to 18:10:2:1.


Why did Yisro mention "mi'Yad Par'oh" and not "mi'Yad Amalek"?


Oznayim la'Torah: He was afraid that, since Yehoshua had only weakened Amalek, and not destroyed them completely (as opposed to Mitzrayim, whose every soldier was drowned in the Yam-Suf), If they would hear that he was happy about their downfall, they would take revenge. 1


See Oznayim la'Torah for another (similar) answer.

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