
Why does it say "Lo Echpotz b'Mos ha'Mes.... [v'Hashivu vi'Chyu]"?


Radak: Even when alive, he is called Mes, based on his end. This is like Targum Yonasan 'd'Chayav Limemas' and Targum Onkelos of "Yumas ha'Mes" Devarim 17:6 - 'd'Chayav Ketol.'


Malbim: I will accept even Teshuvah amidst fear, for I do not want him to die. Also, via this, later he will come to Teshuvah amidst love, and his earlier sins will become merits, and he will live eternally 1 .


Even without Teshuvah amidst love, he would live eternally based on his future Mitzvos! We can say that Hashem desires that he have additional eternal life via the previous sins. (PF)

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