
Will he live?


Radak: This is said in astonishment. Malbim - surely, he will not live; Zechus Avos will not help him, since he did all abominations. This refers to life of the Nefesh in the world to come.


What do we learn from "[Mos Yumas] Damav Bo Yihyeh"?


Radak: Damav is plural, and Yihyeh is singular, for Dam is mentioned in the Klal and the Prat. An expression of Havayah applies, like "Ki Yihyeh Na'arah" (Devarim 22:23).


Malbim: Also in this world he will be punished bi'Ydei Adam. He is Chayav Skilah for idolatry, and Chayav Chenek; one who is liable two different deaths, he receives the harsher one 1 (Sanhedrin 37b).


Sanhedrin 66a: We learn Skilah from a Gezeirah Shavah "Damav Bo ? Demeihem Bam."

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