
What is the meaning of "ha'Ya'azov mi'Tzur Sadai Sheleg Levanon"?


Rashi: One who needs to drink water - would he abandon what flows from the rock in the fields, which comes from the snow of Levanon, which is clean?!


Radak: Would one abandon what flows from a rock in the field? It mentions a field, for it is prepared for him; he need not go far to drink from it. Surely one would not abandon cold water on a hot day. I was good to Yisrael like cold water for a weary soul! I am close to them, whenever they call! How did My nation forget Me and abandon Me!?


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Just like it is impossible for melting snow to cease


Why does it say "Sadai"?


Rashi: This is like Sadeh.


What is the meaning of "Im Yinaseshu Mayim Zarim Karim"?


Rashi #1: Or, [would one who needs to drink] abandon flowing water that until now is foreign to all men (no one drank from it), and it is cold?! "Zarim" is flowing water 1 - "Ani Karti v'Shasisi Mayim Zarim" (Melachim II, 19:24).


Rashi citing Menachem: "Zarim" is medicinal water - "Zoru v'Lo Chubashu" (Yeshayah 1:6).


Rashi #2: Would cold, rapidly flowing water be despised?!


Radak: Good cold water is brought from afar via pipes under the ground to the city or near the city, due to its importance. It is called Zarim, for it comes from a place that is Zar (foreign) and far. Such water would not be abandoned. I am far from Yisrael based on My level, and close to them to benefit them if they will heed Me. How did they abandon Me and forget Me?! Yinaseshu with a Sov is like with a Tes - abandoning. These two letters are formed from the same place (the teeth). They are interchanged in words with similar meanings, e.g. Ta'ah with a Tes and Ta'ah with a Tov. "V'Natashti Eschem v'Es ha'Ir Asher Nasati Lachem vela'Avoseichem me'Al Panai" (23:39) is like v'Natashti with a Tov.


Malbim: Would one abandon a large flow of water cold from the source.


Rashi citing Menachem: This is wrong. If it were from the root Zerem, it would say Zerumim to include the water, and that it is Zormim.


What is "Nozlim"?


Rashi: It flows rapidly.


Malbim: It is easy to gather, for it flows.

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