
What is the meaning of "Eich Tashiv Es Pnei Pachas


Rashi: The smallest of Sancheriv's officers was over 2,000 soldiers. You do not have this many in all 1 ! This teaches that each of Sancheriv's 185,000 troop leaders (19:35) had at least 2,000 soldiers under him (Mechilta Beshalach 2).


Could this be true? Shevna had 130,000 Talmidim, and Chizkiyah had 110,000 (Sanhedrin 26a)! However, perhaps only a tiny fraction were proper to fight. Even a small sin disqualifies from the army (Sotah 44b)! (PF)


What is the meaning of "Echad Avdei"?


Rashi (Yeshayah 36:9): One of the servants of. This is like "Echad ha'Sichim" (Bereishis 21:15), "Echad ha'Rekim" (Shmuel II, 6:20).

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