
What is the meaning of "Shochad me'Chek Rasha Yikach"?


Rashi: Hashem accepts words of submissiveness and appeasement from the lap of Resha'im, i.e. covertly - between Him and them.


R. Yonah #1: The Torah warns a judge not to take a bribe. Here it teaches that also one who gives a bribe is a Rasha, for he knows that it is a reason to make the law crooked and tilt the ways of Mishpat.


R. Yonah #2: He is a Rasha in judgment. One who is liable and claims Sheker, he normally gives a bribe to tilt the ways of Mishpat. Therefore, it says that the judge takes the bribe from the one who is liable.


Malbim: There are several kinds of bribes. Some take bribes from both parties 1 , in order to judge their case - "Reishis b'Shochad Yishpotu" (Michah 3:11). Or, via taking a bribe he makes a compromise - "Kulo Ohev Shochad v'Rodef Shalmonim" (Yeshayah 1:23). Or, in a matter that depends on judges' discretion, and he tilts it to one side. However, a Rasha takes a bribe in order to tilt the ways of Mishpat, like the Tzeduki who initially said [due to a daughter's bribe] that daughters and sons inherit equally (Shabbos 116b. He later retracted due to a greater bribe.) Such a bribe is taken from the garment, covertly. The first kind of bribe is given openly.


Kesuvos 105a: Even if he takes from both parties, this is called a bribe. Rashi (105a) - this is when they give 'in order that you will not obligate me if I am innocent.' Paying wages for judging is not a bribe; they may compensate a judge for wages that he loses while judging their case. (PF)


What is "Lehatos Archos Mishpat"?


Rashi: To change his law from evil to good.

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