
Why does it say "Eved Maskil Yimshol b'Ven Mevish uv'Soch Achim Yachalok Nachalah"?


Rashi (from Sanhedrin 96a): Because Nebuchadnetzar was wise to take three steps for Hashem's honor, he rose to grandeur and ruled over Yisrael, who made their deeds shameful, and he divided (took) their inheritance in front of them.


Rashi: A virtuous convert is better than a Rasha native Yisrael. In the future, he will receive a share amidst Bnei Yisrael - "v'Hayah va'Shevet Asher Gar ha'Ger


Yuma 71b: People were following the Kohen Gadol. When they saw Shemayah and Avtalyon, the people went to follow them. The Kohen Gadol insulted them.

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