
What do we learn from "Meshiv Ra'ah Tachas Tovah Lo Samush Ra'ah mi'Beiso"?


Kesuvos 53a: One who pardons her Kesuvah to her husband should be fed [after she is widowed].


R. Yonah: Not only did he not return good - he even returns evil in place of the good that he should have returned! His sin is too great to bear. Therefore, "evil will not depart from his house." This is put next to Kesil b'Ivalto, for when he is angry, he does not heed all the good bestowed to him, and he will not refrain from returning evil.


Malbim: Hashem pays Midah k'Neged Midah. Even though a man who does evil can repent, one who returns evil in place of the good, Hashem pays to him like his Midah. Even if he will repent and do good, Hashem will pay to him evil in place of good. Evil will not depart from his house even when he does good!

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