
What is the significance of "Tov Pas Charevah v'Shalvah Vah"?


Rashi: It was good for Hashem to destroy His house and city, and it was [then] serene from Yisrael's sins.


R. Yonah #1: Also this discusses choosing Shalom. One should not seek to overpower his brother is dividing inheritance. It is better to have a little without quarrels than much with quarrels.


R. Yonah #2: Perhaps the verse comes to praise pardoning from one's property to dispel claims.


Malbim: Seeming success is not true success. Sometimes we see a Rasha succeed, and his house is full of slaughtered animals, and bland bread suffices for the Tzadik. He does not have a full loaf, only Pas (a partial loaf). He does not have accompaniment, only bland bread. Still, the Oni succeeds more than the Ashir if he has serenity in his house and the Ashir has quarrels, whether in his house or with people of his city. This ceases the seeming success! The primary success is inner serenity, i.e. of his Nefesh, that nothing ceases his calmness of Nefesh, even though he eats Pas Charevah.


What is the comparison to "Bayis Malei Zivchei Riv"?


Rashi: They used to offer Korbanos of quarrels in His house. (The Churban was better than this.)


R. Yonah: Similarly, if a man owes many people, and they want to collect from his property, he should not try to overpower them and dispel them via force. It is better that a little remain for him without quarrels [than much with quarrels]; he will be content with it. Shlomo comes to draw people to choose Shalom due to the contentment found in it, aside from the Isurim of extortion and seizing inheritance without Mishpat.


Malbim: Refer to 17:1:1:4.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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