
Why does the Torah add the word "l'Mas'eihem"?


Ramban: Because they traveled from Midbar Sin to Refidim via Dofkah and Alush (where the episode with the Manna took place). 1


The Torah omits these two stops here, because it is only concerned with the places where they grumbled - in Alush (at the beginning of Desert Sin) they grumbled about the lack of bread, and now, when they arrived in Refidim, about the lack of water (Ramban).


What exactly happened here? What were they grumbling about?


Ramban and Targum Yonasan: They arrived at Refidim and did not find water (because the local water-springs had dried up - Targum Yonasan).


Why did Hashem leave them without water?


Targum Yonasan: Because they were lax in the Mitzvos that they had already been commanded (at Marah)? 1


Which explains why the place was called 'Refidim', which is the acrinym of "Rafu Yedeihem (mi'Divrei Torah). See Torah Temimah, citing Sanhedrin 106a, and note 1, where he elaborates.

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