
What is the meaning of "ki'Zkor Beneihem Mizbechosam"?


Rashi: Like the memory of their sons, so was the memory of their Mizbechos, like a man who misses his son.


Radak #1: Mention of the Mizbechos and Asheros and taking about them was pleasant to them like mention of their sons, who are dear to them, and they remember them constantly due to their love of them.


Radak #2: Some say that ki'Zkor refers to burning, like "Azkarasah la'Shem" (Vayikra 6:8). I.e. they used to pass their children through fire. 1


Malbim: Just like they recall their sons with all their hearts, so they recall their Mizbechos and Asheros.


Radak My first Perush is correct (refer to 17:2:1:2).


Were the Asheros on the fresh trees?


Rashi: Al is like Etzel (they were by the fresh trees). Also Yonason translates 'under every fresh tree.'


Radak, Malbim: "Al Etz Ra'anan" refers to the Mizbechos, and not to the Asheros 1 . The fresh trees are the Asheros 2 ! "Al" means near, like "v'Alav Mateh Menasheh" (Bamidbar 2:20), "v'Zavachta Alav Es Olasecha" (Shemos 20:21) and similar verses. Malbim - they used to build Mizbechos near trees planted around it - "Lo Sita Lecha Asherah Kol Etz Etzel Mizbach Hashem" (Devarim 16:21). They planted Asheros on tall hills.


Targum Yonasan: They are under the fresh trees 3 .


In our texts, the notes imply that "Al Etz Ra'anan" refers to the Asheros! However, also in verse 3, Radak explains unlike the notes imply (refer to 17:3:1:2). (PF)


Radak: An Asherah is a tree planted to serve it, or they put the image that they served under it. Everywhere, it says about this "Tachas Kol Etz Ra'anan" (e.g. 3:13). They would build Mizbechos near that tree, and offer Korbanos to the idolatry served under the tree, or the tree itself. And so they built Mizbechos on the tall mountain and tall hills where they served their gods, like it is written.


Radak: How can he explain Al to under? These are opposites!


Were the fresh trees only on hills?


Radak: No. It is as if it says v'Al Geva'os ha'Gevohos (with the prefix Vov). This is like "Shemesh Yare'ach" (Chabakuk 3:11), "Reuven Shimon" (Shemos 1:2) and similar verses.

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