
What is the meaning of "va'Yismoded"?


Rashi: This is based on Midah; he lied on him. Radak - he put himself like the size of the child when he lied on him, like it says about Elisha "he lied on the child, and put his mouth on his mouth, and his eyes on his eyes, and his hands on his hands" (Melachim II, 4:34).


Why did he do so three times?


Radak: He did not need more, for the third time he responded. Each time, he called "Hashem Elokai


What is the meaning of returning the Nefesh "Al Kirbo"?


Radak: It is returning his breathing and senses, which had ceased. The same applies to "va'Yochal va'Teshev Rucho Elav" (Shmuel I, 30:12) and similar verses. Al Kirbo is like l'Kirbo. The same applies to "va'Tispalel Al Hashem" (Shmuel I, 1:10). It says Kirbo because man's life depends on the heart, which is inside man. Targum Yonasan says 'to his innards.'



Rashi writes that he lied on him. Why did he do so?


Radak #1: This was so his intent will be on the child more when he lies on him and matches limbs with him. Similarly, "va'Ye'etar Yitzchak la'Shem l'Nochach Ishto" (Bereishis 25:21). I.e. she was opposite him when he prayed, so he would put his intent on her, for she was barren.


Radak #2: Perhaps Eliyahu did so to breathe on him and warm him with natural heat that comes from the face and flesh. Most miracles are somewhat via a worldly (natural) method.

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