
Why does it say that he was reddish?


Malbim: This shows like Hashem said (verse 7) that people do not see like Hashem. David was red, showing a disposition to spill blood, but he also had beautiful eyes and good appearance, showing sharp intellect and a good balance [of Midos], like scientists say. Shmuel's human perception would say that he is not proper for kingship. Hashem saw that he would use his disposition to spill blood in Hashem's wars and to eradicate sinners.


Why does it say "Im Yefe Einayim"?


Radak: This is like v'Yefe Einayim. Also "Te'enim Im Bikurim" (Nachum 3:12) is like Te'enim v'Bikurim.


Malbim citing Yalkut Shimoni Shmuel 124: When Shmuel saw his disposition to spill blood, he was afraid. He said, he spills blood, like Esav! Hashem said, with nice eyes - Esav does on his own; David kills according to Sanhedrin, due to his good balance and intellect.


What is the meaning of "Ro'i"?


Radak: It is a noun (appearance), like the grammatical form of Tzuri (Melachim 1 7:14) and Choli (Devarim 7:16). Also (Iyov 7:8) "Lo Seshureni Ein Ro'i" is appearance.


Why does the verse elaborate about David's appearance?


Radak: It teaches that [also his appearance] was proper for kingship.


Why did Hashem say "Kum"?


Radak: Be zealous (do so immediately). This is like "Kum Avor Es ha'Yarden ha'Zeh" (Yehoshua 1:2), "Kumu v'Ivru Lachem" (Devarim 2:13), "Kum His'halech ba'Aretz" (Bereishis 13:17).


Radak (citing Tanchuma Vayera 6): My anointed is in front of you, and you sit?! Stand and anoint him!


Why did He say "Ki Hu Zeh"?


Radak #1: It is unlike you thought.


Radak #2: This is the one whom I told you that I will tell you to anoint him.


Radak citing Horiyos 11b: This one must be anointed, but others are not anointed. This hints that we anoint kings only from Beis David.


Malbim (citing Midrash Shmuel 19:6): He is in this world and in the world to come. i.e. even though he is in this world, and his red nature is strong, his good balance, intellect and choice are in if he brought. A Tzadik takes a path to use his powers to be pleasing to Hashem.

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