
What is the significance of the three time-frames mentioned in the Pasuk ? ?ba?Arev?; ?ke?Vo ha?Shemesh? and ?Mo?ed Tzeischa mi?Mitzarayim?.


Rashi: They refer to three different aspects of the Korban: "ba'Erev" - in the afternoon 1 , it is slaughtered; "ke'Vo ha'Shemesh" - at nightfall, it is eaten, and "Mo'ed Tzeischa mi'Mitzrayim" - when you left Egypt (on the morning of the fifteenth), it becomes Nosar and must be burned. 2


Ramban #1 (in Pasuk 4): "Sham Tizbach es ha'Pesach ba'Erev ke?Vo ha?Shemesh" refers to Shechting the Pesach in the evening as the sun is setting. 3


Ramban #2: They refer to two different aspects of the Korban: "ba'Erev" - in the afternoon", it is Shechted; "ke'Vo ha'Shemesh" - at nightfall, it is eaten 4 until midnight 5 , which is the beginning of the redemption - "Mo'ed Tzeischa mi'Mitzrayim". 6


Targum Yonasan: The first of the Pasuk teaches the location where the Korban Pesach is brought, and ?ba?Erev ke?Vo ha?Shemesh?, that it must be eaten after nightfall; ?Mo?ed Tzeischa mi?Mitzrayim? ? the time that they were redeemed from Egypt.


Rashi (in B'rachos, 9a): After midday, when the sun enters the west and the shadows begin to move towards the east.


On the sixteenth ? Rashi (in B'rachos, 9a): Since one may not burn Kodshim on Yom-Tov.


Refer to 16:4:1:3. The Ramban does not explain there why the Torah adds "Mo'ed Tzeischa mi'Mitzrayim"


See Na'ar Yonasan.


Like the opinion of R. Elazar ben Azarya in B'rachos, 9a.


Ramban: As the Torah continues (in Pasuk 7 - "u'Vishalta ve'Achalta" - Refer to 16:7:1:1.


Both the Korban Tamid and the Korban Pesach on Erev Pesach are brought in the afternoon. Which takes precedence?


Pesachim, 53a: The Pesach is brought last, since the Torah writes both ?ba?Erev? and ?Bein ha?Arbayim? - in Bo Sh?mos, 12:6 - in connection with it, whereas in connection with the Tamid shel bein ha?Arbayim, it only writes ?Bein ha?Arbayim? ? in Pinchas Bamidbar. 28:4.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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