
What is the significance of "Lechem Oni"?


Rashi #1 and Ramban: It is to remind us a. that Yisrel left Egypt in haste, 1 and therefore the dough did not have time to rise 2 and b. of the afflictions that they suffered in Egypt. (Ramban - It reminds us of the fact that the Egyptians fed Yisrael Matzah - Lechem Oni - in Egypt 3 ).


Rashi #2 (in Pesachim, 35b): It precludes a dough kneaded with wine, oil or honey. 4 "Oni" is written without a 'Vav', so we can read it 'Ani' (with a Kamatz, a poor person).


Seforno: It reminds us that a. Yisrael were so hard-pressed in Egypt, that they did not have time to allow the dough to rise and were therefore forced to eat Matzah; b. Midah Keneged Midah, the redemption came about so fast that they did not have time for the dough to rise.


Rashi: Not their haste, but the haste of the Egyptians, who couldn't get rid of them fast enough. However, the Gemara in B'rachos, 9a, ascribes 'Chipazon de'Mitzrayim' to the nighttime, whereas if Chipazon refers to the day-time, then it was Yisrael's haste! Refer to 16:3:2.1:1 & 2.


As the Pasuk goes on to specifically state.


Ramban: Both reasons appear in 'Ha Lachma Anya'; which we recite at the beginning of the Seider.


Rashi: Because it classifies as 'Matzah Ashirah'.


Must one use coarse flour of poor quality in order to qualify as 'Lechem Oni'?


Pesachim, 36b: The Torah writes "Matzos" many times in the Torah to include Matzos made of the finest flour. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 17.


What is "Lema'an Tizkor ... " referring to?


Rashi: It is referring to the eating of the Pesach and the Matzah mentioned earlier in the Pasuk.


Pesachim, 116b: It teaches us - via a Geeirah Shavah "Lema'an Tizkor" "Zachor es Yom ha'Shabbos Lekadsho", in Yisro Sh'mos, 20:8, that it is a Mitzvah to mention Yetzi'as Mitzrayim when reciting Kidush. 1


On Shabbos and on Pesach. Refer to 20:8:2:7 and Torah Temimah, note 55.


Whose haste is the Torah referring to?


Rashi and B'rachos, 9a #1 (according to R. Elazar ben Azaryah):It refers to the the Egyptians, who pressed Yisrael to leave immeditely.


Seforno, Targum Onkelos, Targum Yonasan and B'rachos, 9a #2 (according to R. Akiva): It refers to Yisrael, who left Egypt in the morning of the fifteenth in great haste. 1


Refer to 16:3:1:1*.


What is the significance of "Lema'an Tizkor ... "?


Rashi (in B'rachos, 21a): It is a Mitzvah min ha'Torah to mention Yetzi'as Mitzrayim twice daily, 1 which we fulfil with the recital of 'Emes ve'Yatziv'. 2


Refer to 16:3:152:1.


In the morning and 'Emes ve'Emunah at night. And consequently, 'Emes Veyatziv', which contains Yetzi'as Mitzrayim, is d'Oraysa (Rashi in B'rachos, 21a).


What exactly is it that will remind us of the day we left Egypt?


Rashi: It is the affliction that Yisrael left behind when they left Egypt that the Lechem Oni reminds us of.


Seforno: With reference to Pasuk 1 (the obligation to ensure that Nisan falls in the spring) - every time Beis-Din work out when Rosh Chodesh will fall and the leap-years so that Pesach will fall in the spring, 1 they are fulfilling the Mitzvah of "Lema'an Tizkor ... ".


Refer to 16:1:3:3*.


What is the definition of "Lechem Oni"?


Rashi (citing the Sifri): It means poor bread 1 - to preclude a dough kneaded 2 with wine, oil or honey (which classifies as Matzah Ashirah).


Pesachim 115b: Just like an Oni has [only] part of a loaf, we too eat from a broken Matzah. 3


Pesachim 115b: Just like an Oni kindles the oven and his wife bakes (they work together, to prevent the oven from cooling and more wood will be needed) - we too, the man kindles and the woman bakes. 4


Pesachim 36a #1: It is Matzah that is permitted to an Onein (one who lost a relative on the same day - to preclude Ma'aser Sheini, which is forbidden to an Onein.


Pesachim 36a #3 (citing Shmuel): From the fact that we read it "Lechem Oni" - with a 'Vav' - ', we explain it to mean 'Lechem she'Onin alav Devarim Harbeh' 5 (Bread oever which we recite many things - Hagadah and Hallel, Shirah and Birchas ha'Mazon - Torah Temimah)..


Pesachim 36b #4: It precludes 'Chalut' - Matzah that was kneaded into a soft dough and scalded beforre being baked in an oven and 'Ashishah' a large Matzah, which fall under the category of Matzah Ashirah.


Pesachim 38a: We learn from a Gezerah Shavah "Lechem-Lechem" from Chalah ("mi'Lechem ha'Aretz") that, like the dough of Chalah must belong to you, so too must the Matzah belong to you - to preclude stolen Matzah. 6


B'rachos, 39b: It implies that one can be Yotzei the Mitzvah of Matzah with 'Kuva de'Ar'a' - Matzah that one baked by pouring flour and water into a hole that one dige in the floor of an oven. 7


Because "Oni" is written without a 'Vav', in which cse it can be read 'Ani' (with a Kamatz, a poor person).


See Torah Temimah, note 14.


See Torah Temimah, citing Pesachim 116a and note 18.


See Torah Temimah, note 19.


Divrei Eliyahu: Everything [man-made] has susbstance, a form, a maker, and a function: For example, if one wants to make a table on which to eat: the wood is the substance; the table - the form; the person who manufactured it - the maker; in order to eat on it - function. Regarding Lechem Oni too - (refer to 6:3:151:2,4 & 5). Dough that is kneaded without wine, oil or honey; and a broken Matzah - substance; An Ani kindles the oven and his wife bakes - maker; The form - Matzah that is not Chalut va'Ashishah - form; 'Lechem she'Onin alav Devarim Harbeh' - function. 7., 6

See Torah Temimah, note 7.


See Torah Temimah, note 12.


What is "Kol Y'mei Chayecha" referring to?


Brachos 12b #1 (according to Ben Zoma): "Y'mei Chayecha" refers to the days; "Kol Y'mei Chayecha" includes the nights. 1 Consequently, we mention Yetzi'as Mitzrayim at night - in Ma'ariv. 2


B'rachos 12b #2 (according to the Chachamim): "Y'mei Chayecha" refers to this world. "Kol Yemei Chayecha" includes the days of Mashi'ach. 3


Yerushalmi B'rachos, 3:1: The word "Y'mei" confines reciting the Sh'ma and wearing Tefilin to when one is dealing with the living, exempting someone whose dead is lying before him from reciting K'ri'as Sh'ma and from Tefilin. 4


See note in answer #2.


See Torah Temimah, note 22.


Divrei Eliyahu: The word "Kol" can mean a. constantly - the entire day, but not necessarily the following day; b. every day, but not necessarily, the entire day. Ben Zoma (refer to 16:3:152:1) follows the first explanation, and the Chachamim, the second.


And from all Mitzvos (Asei). See Torah Temimah, note 23.

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