
Having already instructed Korach and his congregation - in Pesukim 6 & 7, to take the pans ... , why does Moshe repeat it here?


Rashi (in Divrei Hayamim 2, 2:17): Moshe is simply carrying on where he left off, 1 since other Pesukim interrupt in between.


Ramban #1 (citing the Ibn Ezra): 'He already told them this earlier, only the Pasuk informs us that when Moshe instructed Korach to appear before Hashem, each man took his pan ... '.


Ramban #2: Initially, Moshe did not include Aharon, which he did when Korach did not answer him the first time. 2 And now Korach agreed because he figured that the fire would descend to burn the Ketores for Aharon and for all of them. Refer also to 16:17:2:1.


Oznayim la'Torah: Refer to 16:16:151:4 & 5.


As if to say 'Let's get back to the point'.


Ramban: Presumably, because he did not agree to the test without Aharon's participation (See Ramban).


Why did Moshe insert the words "Chamishim u'Masayim Machtos", which he did not do in Pasuk 6?


Ramban: In order to preclude Dasan and Aviram from the test, which he now did since they declared "Lo Na'aleh". 1


Refer to 16:15:1:2.


If Dasan and Aviram were precluded from the test, why would people not then be able to claim that they were worthy of the Kehunah Gedolah?


Oznayim la'Torah: Because they were not claiming the Kehunah Gedolah, but that, since Reuven was the firstborn, the king should be chosen from Reuven.


Why did Moshe mention Korach and Aharon separately - and not simply that they should take two hundred and fifty-two pans?


Oznayim la'Torah: It seems that Korach's men decided that Korach should be the Kohen Gadol and they opted to enter the test as Kohanim Hedyotos. Then, in the event that they would win, Korach would enter a second test together with Aharon to decide upon the Kehunah Gedolah. 1


See Oznayim la'Torah DH 've'Atah ve'Aharon Ish Machtaso'.

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