
Why did he say "Shivisi Hashem l'Negdi Tamid"?


Rashi #1: In all my deeds, I put fear of Him in front of my eyes, because He is always at my right, lest I falter."


Rashi #2: David always had a Sefer Torah with him, to read from it every day 1 .


Radak: In all my ways I will mention Him, like something always in front of a person; it never veers from his eyes and heart. So I put Hashem's honor in front of me always, for I know that He is always at my right, to help me.


Malbim: Even though the lusts of the body entice us to lean away from Hashem, via the Torah's counsel and the sense of Musar, I always put Hashem in front of me. His commands are opposite the desire of my body and Yetzer. Surely I should nullify my desire due to Hashem and His Mitzvos! There are two paths in man's Nefesh. (a) The body counsels to seek omens and self-love. Even the good that he does is amidst hope for reward and fear of punishment, or other motives. (b) Practical understanding to do good only because it is good. Its source is from the unlimited understanding - Hashem! This counsel is against his body's desires. Also refer to 16:8:2:5.


So the Torah commands a king (Devarim 17:1-19). (PF)


What is the meaning of "mi'Mini Lo Emot"?


Rashi #1: This is why "Shivisi Hashem l'Negdi Tamid."


Rashi #2: The Torah, which Hashem gave via His right hand, I engage in it - therefore I will not falter.


Radak: I will not falter wherever I go, for He is always at my right, to help me.


Radak citing Moreh ha'Nevuchim (3:51): It is as if He is my right hand; one does not forget it for [the time of] an eye's blink.


Malbim: One who heeds Hashem's counsel puts Him in front of him. I.e. he weighs the claims of the body against the claim of the Nefesh. In Kisvei ha'Kodesh, these claims are called left and right hand, respectively - "Lev Chacham li'Ymino v'Lev Kesil li'Smolo" (Koheles 10:2). Since I put Hashem in front of me, I always go to the right, towards Taharah and Kedushah.

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