
What do we learn from "[Revavah] k'Tzemach ha'Sadeh"?


Sotah 11b: In Egypt, Jewish women went to the field to give birth. The babies were swallowed into the ground. The Egyptians plowed the ground. When they left, the babies emerged "k'Tzemach ha'Sadeh."


Rashi: "U'Vnei Yisrael Paru va'Yishretzu va'Yirbu" (Shemos 1:7). Malbim ? this was via Hashgachah ? "v'Cha'asher Ya'anu Oso Ken Yirveh v'Chen Yifrotz" (ibid. 12).


Rashi (9) and Radak, citing Targum Yonasan: I made you numerous like vegetation of the field.


Why is there a double expression "va'Tirbi va'Tigdeli"?


Rashi (9, citing Targum Yonasan): R. Yehudah became numerous and powerful, and became seed and Shevatim.


Radak: This is like "u'Vnei Yisrael Paru va'Yishretzu va'Yirbu" (Shemos 1:7). One expression is multiplying in number, and the other is bodily growth.


What do we learn from "[va'Tavo'i] ba'Adi Adayim"?


Sotah 11b: In Egypt, Jewish women went to the field to give birth. After the babies grew up, they would come home in flocks. We read ba'Adi Adayim like 'b'Edrei Adarim' (in flocks).


Rashi: It is an expression of splendor.


Rashi citing Menachem: It is an expression of forever, like "Bitchu va'Shem Adei Ad" (Yeshayah 26:4).


Rashi citing Dunash: It is an expression of Adei (ornaments). We find 10 words like Adi Adayim ? Ari Ariyim, Tzvi Tzeviyim, Gedi Gediyim.


Radak #1: You came to the age to be proper for ornaments, like a Na'arah proper to marry a man. Adi Adayim are the nicest ornaments; this is like Melech Melachim. I.e. the time for Yisrael to leave Galus came ? "Pakod Pakadti Eschem v'Es ha'Asuy Lachem b'Mitzrayim; va'Omar A'aleh Eschem me'Oni Mitzrayim" (Shemos 3:16-17). Adei are Kelim of silver and gold and garment that they took from Egypt.


Radak citing his father: They are Edei (PF ? witnesses of) ha'Guf, like it explains after this.


Radak #2: Adi Adayim is a Mashal for Chukim of the Torah and good Mishpatim. They are like ornaments ? "Ki Livyas Chen Hem l'Roshecha va'Anakim l'Gargerosecha" (Mishlei 1:9).


Malbim (according to the Nimshal): Yisrael increased until the time of blossoming, when the vegetation is adorned (with flowers).


What do we learn from "v'Shadayim Nachonu"?


Radak: This is a Mashal for written Torah and oral Torah. They were Nechonim (prepared) to give to them when they left Egypt. Also in Shir ha'Shirim (4:5), "Shnei Shadayich" are written Torah and oral Torah. Just like breasts raise a child and sustain him, so Torah teaches the way of life in this world and the next.


Radak citing his father: This is female development above; this and "u'Se'arech Tzime'ach" (pubic hairs) below, are signs of Na'arus 1 .


Malbim: This refers to Moshe and Aharon, Chazal compared to them to breasts prepared to nurse (give off) Harei and milk.


Nidah 48a: Chachamim say, development above proves that she brought hairs, and became a Na'arah). R. Meir disagrees; development above can precede Na'arus.


What is the significance of "u'Se'arech Tzime'ach"?


Rashi: [Pubic] hairs are a Siman of Na'arus (Bas Mitzvah).


Radak #1: "Tzime'ach" is Po'el Omed (the action applies only to the subject). It hints to great, rapid sprouting.


Radak #2: This is a Mashal for individuals of Yisrael who separated from the evil way, from when Nevi'im prophesized to them in Egypt. Just like hair is a Siman that she left being a minor and became a Na'arah, so it is a Mashal for those who had little Emunah, who left their bad Emunah to good Emunah, via rebuke of the Nevi'im ? "Lech v'Asafta Es Zikeni Yisrael" (Shemos 3:16). Nezirim and Perushim (pious people who distance greatly from sin) grow their hair 1 ; hair is a Siman for them. Also in Shir ha'Shirim (4:1), "Sarech k'Eder ha'Izim" is a Mashal for Nezirim and Perushim. Radak (according to the Nimshal):


Also Maharsha (Sanhedrin 14a) says that Perushim grow their hair long. A Tosefta (Shabbos 7:1; in YD 178, Beis Yosef and Gra cite it) calls growing Bluris (long hair in back of the head) Darchei ha'Emori.


What is "Arum v'Eryah"?


Rashi: It is naked of Mitzvos. Radak ? they are naked of Mitzvos of their Avos 1 , to guard "Derech Hashem La'asos Tzedakah u'Mishpat" (Bereishis 18:19).


Radak #1: It is naked like on the day of birth. These are nouns; the prefixes Beis are omitted; it should say b'Arum uv'Eryah.


Radak #2: They are adjectives. It says Arum (masculine), for it is a Mashal for Keneses Yisrael. Sometimes it uses masculine, for the Am, and sometimes feminine, for Keneses Yisrael. Arum v'Eryah refer to lowly garments like captives and slaves wear; it is as if they are naked.


Radak (according to the Nimshal): This refers to most of Yisrael - "va'Yamru Vi v'Lo Avu Lishmo'a Li Ish Es Shikutzei Eineihem Lo Hishlichu" (20:8). They were naked of Mitzvos, to do Tzedakah and Mishpat.


Malbim: Her Ervah was exposed.


Malbim (according to the Nimshal): Yisrael do yet have Torah, Mitzvos and merits, which metaphorically called garment of the Nefesh.


Presumably, he explains so, for Yisrael in Egypt were not yet commanded to guard the Torah. (PF)

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