
What is "Asher Pilalta"?


Rashi: You judged them before you became more evil than them. You used to say that they are worthy of punishments. Radak ? Aviyah Melech Yehudah said to Yaravam Melech Yisrael "v'Imachem Eglei ha'Zahav; ? va'Anachnu Hashem Elokeinu v'Lo Azavnehu; ? Ki Shomerim Anachnu Es Mishmeres Hashem v'Atem Azavtem Oso" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 13:8-11). Also after, Malchei Yehudah were usually virtuous, until Achaz, and Chizkiyah improved what Achaz did evil. However, from Menasheh and onwards they were evil and served idolatry, except for Yoshiyah 1 .


Sanhedrin 103a: Hashem was ready to return the world to nothingness due to Tzidkiyah's generation. He did not, due to Tzidkiyahu. It says about him "va'Ya'as ha'Ra b'Einei Hashem" because he did not protest at the evil of his generation. (Perhaps due to this, it is considered as if he served idolatry. - PF) Also See Point by Point Outlines to Sanhedrin 103:1:f.


What is the meaning of "Titzdaknah Mimech"?


Radak: Now (from Menasheh and onwards), Shomron are more virtuous than you 1 .


Shomron was exiled in the days of Chizkiyah, before Menasheh was born! Radak means, in their time, they were better than you are now. (PF)


It says "Achosech" (singular) and "Mehen" (plural)!


Radak: The plural includes Shomron's villages, or Sedom.


What is the meaning of "u'Se'i Chelimasech"?


Radak: This is suffering, like "Se'esi Alecha Cherpah" (Yirmeyah 15:15).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Receive your humility.


Malbim: Yerushalayim will be ashamed for three reasons. A Mashal explains this. Two lowly people came in front of a judge. They had fraudulent scales and weights. He ruled to afflict them and expel them from the city shamefully. Later, it became known that the judge himself stole and oppressed. His judgment came in front of the king. First he commanded to do to the judge the punishment that he put on the two men, whose sin was less than his. Afterwards, the king thought to pardon the judge's sin, and commanded him to judge the two men again. Now that he needed to vindicate them, it was very embarrassing for him to change his verdict because he was guilty. Afterwards the king commanded to return the two men to the city, and the judge with them. This was a third shame ? they were vindicated and returned first, and he was returned only along with them; they are more virtuous than he. All these applied to you (Yehudah). (a) You judged Shomron and Sedom to deserve punishment. Later, it was known that you sinned more! (b) When Hashem will want to return your Galus, he will put in front of you the sentence of Shomron and Sedom. You will need to vindicate them. (c) When I will return your Galus, first I will return them.

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