
What is "Amulah"?


Rashi: It is ruined. This is like "ha'Yehudim ha'Amelalim" (Nechemyah 3:34), "Ki Umlal Ani" (Tehilim 6:3).


Radak: It is torn. She does not have straight thought, as if she is torn. This is not so; you did not think all that you did; they are many evil deeds.


Malbim: One who is Mezanah openly and is Hefker to all, and makes a high place to lie on every street, to be Mezanah with men, she does so for the sake of the Esnan (wages) that they give it to her. One who is Mezanah covertly under her husband, she is not Hefker to all; she is Mezanah only with one man. He gives gifts to her, but not for each Bi'ah. Your heart is very weak; refer to 16:30:3:2.


What is "Libasech"?


Rashi: This is like Libech. Radak - the feminine is used for inferiority.


How is "Ma'ase Ishah Zonah Shalates"?


Rashi: Her Yetzer ha'Ra rules over her.


Radak, Malbim: The deeds that you did are deeds of a Zonah with no husband over her. She rules over herself to do all that she desires. Shalates is an adjective (a type of person), like Aderes, Iveres. A male is called Shalit, and a female Shalitah or Shalates.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: She rules over her Nefesh.

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