
Why did she take gold and silver?


Radak: Amidst dearness of idolatry, they make idols from their beautiful Kelim of silver and gold. To make the Egel, "va'Yisparku Kol ha'Am Es Nizmei ha'Zahav Asher b'Azneihem" (Shemos 32:3).


Malbim: Making idols from her glorious garments 1 symbolizes serving idolatry along with Torah and Mitzvos 2 , which are her glorious garments. They thought that Hashem will be pleased; the idolatry is like an intermediary between them and Hashem. However, in this she destroyed her garments.


The verse said "Klei"; Malbim explains that these are garments. (PF)


Malbim (19): Until the days of Achaz, there was covert idolatry, but Avodas ha'Mikdash continued normally.


Why does it say "Asher Nasati Lach"?


Radak: "V'Chesef Hirbeisi Lah v'Zahav Asu la'Ba'al" (Hoshe'a 2:10).


What are "Tzalmei Zachar"?


Rashi: She [Yisrael] is depicted as a female harlot, the idols are depicted as a male who is Mezanah with her.


Radak: Harlots make forms of male organs [to put in their Ervah,] to simulate Bi'ah. Malbim ? she was not yet Mezanah with a man, only with the idol in the form of a man 1 ; she did arouse lust in men. She was not yet Mezanah [with the idols] openly, rather, covertly, on the pillows made from her garments.


Malbim: This is a Mashal for the idolatry in the days of Rechav'am, until Achaz. Then, they served covertly 2 , and it was not for the sake of idolatry, rather, like charms to draw influence from above. The verse depicts this as Zenus with male idols. It is not true Zenus, just it appears like Zenus.


Malbim (19): Asa's mother made "Mifletzes la'Asherah" (Melachim I, 15:13); she had Bi'ah with it (Avodah Zarah 44a).


Yaravam stationed calves for people to worship, in place of going to the Beis ha'Mikdash! Perhaps Malbim discusses in Yehudah. (PF)

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