
What is the meaning of "v'Ne'esaf Simchah [va"Gil]"?


Rashi (Yirmeyah 48:32): Simchah ceased; it is not seen. Radak - this is like "Asof Asifem" (Yirmeyah 8:13).


Radak: It will be gathered from there to another place. It says v'Ne'esaf (masculine), for it refers to 'Devar Simchah', the word Devar is omitted. h


Malbim: They will not harvest grain at all. Refer to 48:33:4:2. Simchah is constant joy; people are happy the entire year when grain of Karmel is in the house; they have food to satiation. Gil is temporary, at the time of the harvest; they did not toil in vain. Not only will they not gather the grain into the house - they will not even harvest it at all, for strangers will destroy the land.


Why does it mention Karmel?


Radak: It was a place of forests and grain fields.


What is ["Yeranen" and] "Yero'a"?


Rashi: It is shouting of Simchah. Radak - it is normal at the time of harvesting and gathering Peros, like it says "k'Simchas ba'Katzir" (9:2). Such Simchah will not be in Mo'av, for they will be exiled, and their land will be desolate.


Malbim: At the time of the grape harvest and pressing to make wine, first they blow the Shofar or flute to gather workers each day. After they finish, they sing over their Simchah. They will not even begin with Teru'ah, for there are no grapes on the vines.


What is "Heidad"?


Rashi: It is the voice of those who gather to place the beam to press grapes.


Rashi (Yirmeyah 48:32), Malbim: They used to shout Heidad amidst Simchah, while stomping grapes. Now they will shout it when fleeing the sword. Radak - Yonasan translated, they will not stomp, and will not raise their voices.


Do people stomp wine?!


Radak: They stomp grapes; it says wine, for in the end, it will be wine. This is like "va'Tachani Kamach" (47:2)


Malbim: Even the 'wine' (grapes) already found in the winepress, they will not gather workers to press them, for people will not be found.

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