
Why is Im written, but not pronounced?


Radak: Either way it means the same. In the first exile, Seforim were lost, and Chachamim who knew the Mikra died, and Anshei Keneses ha'Gedolah [who codified Tanach] found disagreement and followed the majority. When they did not reach clarity, they wrote one [version] without Nekudos (it is written, but not pronounced), or they wrote one outside, but not inside (it is pronounced, but not written), or they wrote one outside and one inside (it is pronounced unlike it is written). 1


Radak (21:9): The pronunciation follows the majority text [and it is written like the other version].


Why did he say "if for death, if for life"?


Malbim: Since [David] will be in a place of danger, it is not proper to abandon one's beloved at a time of difficulty.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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