Why does the Torah need to mention so many details - "Mum, Pise'ach O Iver" and "Kol Mum Ra"?
Rashi: This is a K'lal, u'Perat u'Kelal, to teach us that the La'av is confined to a blemish that is similar to those listed - that it is visible and that is permanent.
B?choros, 37a: The word "Kol Mum Ra" is a Ribuy, to include a B'chor whose cartilage of the ear is nicked in the Din of Ba'al-Mum. 1
Sifri #1: "Kol Mum Ra" comes to incorporate animals with various kinds of boils, 2 or which are old, sick and sweaty (whose breath reeks) in the realm of Ba'alei-Mumin. 3
Sifri #2: "Kol Mum Ra" comes to incorporate animals that are born with blemishes in the realm of Ba'alei-Mumin. 4