
Why here and in Pasuk 10, does the Torah add "Re'ach Ni'cho'ach la'Hashem", in connection with the Nesachim?


Oznayim la'Torah: Implying that the Nesachim that cause the Korbanos to be sccepted with goodwill. Following the debacle of the spies, which caused Hashem's promise to Avraham - to bring the fourth generation of his descendents into Eretz Cana'an, on the merit of the Korbanos - to be postponed to the fifth generation, Hashem added the Nesachim to the Korbanos, rendering the Korbanos Mehudar, to ensure that there should be no further postponement. Consequently, the new generation would capture Eretz Cana'an on the merit of the Mehudar Korbanos, either by bringing them or, if they were only due to be brought when they entered Eretz Yisrael, on the merit of learning about them - as Hashem informed Avraham Avinu. 1


Oznayim la?Torah: As Hashem informed Avraham Avinu at the B?ris bein ha?Besarim.

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