
What does "Lechem" incorporate?


Menachos 70b: It incorporates dough made from the five species of grain (wheat, barley, rye, oats and spelt), 1 and precludes a dough of rice, millet or legumes.


Pesachim, 37b: It incorporates bread that has been kneaded, to preclude 'Me'isah' - flour that has been placed in boiling water, and 'Chalitah' - boiling water that is poured on to flour, from the Din of Chalah.


See Torah Temimah note 36, citing Menachos, Ibid. which learns it via a Gezeirah Shavah "Lechem" "Lechem Oni" from Matzah, and note 36. See also Torah Temimah citing the Yerushalmi Chalah, 1:3, which learns from the same source that even produce that has not grown a third is subject to the Din of Chalah - even though it is Patur from Ma'aser. See Torah Temimah, note 37.


What is the 'Mem' in "mi'Lechem" coming to preclude?


Yerushalmi Chalah, 3:5: It precludes dough that is kneaded by a Nochri from the Din of Chalah. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 38.


Seeing as the Chiyuv Chalah takes effect at the time of kneading, why does the Torah write "Vehayah be'Ochl'chem mi'Lechem ha'Aretz"?


Sifri: To teach us that in the event that if one failed to separate Chalah from the dough one remains obligated to separate it from the bread. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 39.


Seeing as the Mitzvah of Chalah is mentioned in Pasuk 20, what are the connotations of "Tarimu Terumah la'Hashem"?


Sifri: It is referring (not to the Mitzvah of Chalah, but) to the Mitzvah of Terumah. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 40.

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