What if the Zav's spit does not actually touch the person but lands on the stick that he is holding?
Rashi: Spit is Metamei the person who touches it and who carries it 1 - together with the clothes he is wearing.
Even if it landed on the stick that he is holding (Sifsei Chachamim) - provided he walks with it or moves it.
What is the Din regarding other fluids that a Zav emits?
Rashi (in Shabbos, 14b): All fluids of a Zav that gather before being emitted - such as his urine 1 and his mucus, 2 are Metamei like his spit. 3
Refer also to 15:3:0.1:1.
Except for his blood. Refer to 15:3:0.3:2.
Because they are all included in "ve'Chi Yarok" (See Torah Temimah, note 36). And the Torah uses the word "Yarok" to teach us that they are only Metamei whilst thyey are moist
Why does the Torah write "ve'Chi Yarok ba'Tahor" and not 'Bo'?
Why are the fluids of a Zav Tamei after they separate from him?
Moshav Zekenim citing R. Yehudah ha'Chasid: There is life in a person's limbs, even after they separate from him. Limbs are different than fluids. 1
I do not understand this. If limbs and fluids are the same, there is reason to consider the fluid Tamei, for it is as if it is part of him even after it separated! (PF)