
Why will Hashem uproot "Beis Ge'im"?


R. Yonah: They are those who fix in their hearts their dwelling in this world. Their primary thought is about its settlement. They do not think about its replacement - "Kirbam Bateimo l'Olam" (Tehilim 49:12). Their hearts get haughty with their success and dwelling in serene houses, for they never think about anything else. Therefore, Hashem will uproot their strong houses.


Malbim: When you see Beis Ge'im built on a widow's border (property) - she is weak, and no one wages her feud, so the haughty build a house there - know that there is an Overseer who will wage her battle. He will uproot the house to establish the widow on her property. Hashem does Mishpat for the oppressed; He supports orphans and widows, and makes Resha'im's way crooked (Tehilim 146:9). This is a cornerstone of Emunah in Hashgachah, in a place where nature's hand does not rule.


What is the connection of this verse to the previous verse?


R. Yonah: Full pride cannot be without the heart veering from the supreme world.


What is "Gevul Almanah"?


R. Yonah: It is the border of a widowed nation, that was destroyed and bent to the earth. It is the opposite of Beis Ge'im whose land is settled. This is like "Lo Eshev Almanah", "v'Cherpas Almenosayich Lo Sizkeri Od" (Yeshayah 47:8, 54:4).


Malbim: Refer to 15:25:1:2.

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