
Why is a little with Yir'as Hashem better than a great tumultuous storehouse?


R. Yonah: One who fears Hashem, he rejoices in his portion and the little that he has suffices for him. He does not desire extras. His heart is happy with Yir'as Hashem. Even if he is an Oni, it is good for him as if he it is constantly feasting.


Malbim: The little that an Oni has, since he engages in Yir'as Hashem and goes on the path of perfection, it is better than a great storehouse that makes tumult for his Nefesh and spiritual happiness.


What is "Otzar Rav u'Mehumah Vo"?


Rashi: People scream that the storehouse was made from theft. Mehumah is like "Mehumos Rabos b'Sochah va'Ashukim b'Kirbah" (Amos 3:9).

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