
What is the significance of "Lev Navon Yevakesh Da'as"?


R. Yonah: It goes without saying that a Navon will not say Iveles with his lips. Also in his heart, all his thoughts are to seek Da'as until he will find it. Da'as is his opinion about doubtful matters. From Binah, one comes to Da'as.


Malbim: Navon understands a matter amidst another matter. From this, he comes to Da'as - also for the laws of Chachmah, he will understand their reasons - "b'Sifsei Navon Timatzei Chachmah" (10:13). He will get Da'as only after great request and contemplation. The heart is the power that rules. When it comes to conduct in the ways of Chachmah, it seeks to know its reasons and secrets.


Why does it say "u'Fi Chesilim Yir'eh Iveles"?


R. Yonah: [Their mouths] conduct and establish Iveles in the world. When he sees another doing Iveles, he helps him in his claims. Yir'eh is [conducting,] like "Ro'eh Ru'ach" (Hoshe'a 12:2), "v'Ra'u Eschem De'ah v'Haskil" (Yirmeyah 3:15).


Malbim: A Kesil does not abandon Chachmah due to Iveles. He is not an Evvil. Rather, it is due to his desire. His heart does not request Iveles and doubts, like an Evvil does - he toils to find claims against the ways of Chachmah with deceptive philosophical proofs. A Kesil's Iveles is guile. Only his face conducts Iveles, but not his heart. The face shows the direction in which he heads. Since he heads for desire, he conducts Iveles, to put a veil over his face. He is like a shepherd over a flock of Iveles.

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