
Why does it say "b'Etz ha'Ya'ar" (singular)?


Radak: This refers to the Klal, like "Lo Sashchis Es Etzah" (Devarim 20:19).


Why does it say "Asher Nesativ la'Esh Le'achlah"?


Radak: Hashem created vines with this nature.


How is Yerushalayim like the vine?


Rashi: Fire consumed the two ends. When Yehoyakim was exiled, also from the royal seed and the officers were exiled with him, like it says in Daniel (1:2-3). Afterwards were exiled Yehoyakim's son Yechanyah and "he'Charash veha'Masger" (Melachim II, 24:16). "The inside was singed" (4) ? Tzidkiyah, who remained in [Yerushalayim], it was already decreed on him "u'Malei Chafnecha Gachalei Esh? u'Zrok Al ha'Ir" (above, 10:2).


Malbim: This explains the Mashal. Yisrael are compared to a vine branch. Its substance is very weak, but its form is very esteemed. It is prepared to make Peros ? Mishpat and Tzedakah - "Kerem Hayah li'Ydidi; ? va'Ykav La'asos Anavim", "Ki Kerem Hashem Tzevakos Beis Yisrael? va'Ykav l'Mishpat" (Yeshayah 5:1-2, 7). The investigator explained that those who have a complete form, their physical substance is weak. The strength of Yisrael is the Divine form, if they guard Torah and Mitzvos and cling to Elokim Chayim. It is not due to their physicality - "Ki Atem ha'Me'at mi'Kol ha'Amim" (Devarim 7:7). However, they mixed with forest trees; they went to seek help from Egypt and Ashur. This is like grafting ? "Al Ken Tit'i Nit'ei Na'amanim v'Zimras Zar Tizra'enu" (Yeshayah 17:10), "v'Anochi Netatich Sorek Kulo Zera Emes v'Eich Nehefacht Li Surei ha'Gafen Nochriyah" (Yirmeyah 2:21). It is as if the graft vine branches onto forest trees. They lose the form, and did not gain physically; they did not get help from these nations. They were given to be consumed in fire ? Nebuchadnetzar exiled Yehoyakim and Yehoyachin. What remained in the days of Tzidkiyah is compared to a vine that fire consumed its ends, and its middle was singed.

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