
What do we learn from "ha'Yukach Mimenu?"?


Rashi: [Surely one will not take a branch for crafts -] it is improper for this!


Why does it add "Im Yikchu Mimenu Yased"?


Radak: It goes without saying that they will not take a branch for crafts ? rather, even for a peg to hang any Kli on it, they will not take from it. Malbim ? this shows that there was no gain, only loss. Until now, it was destined to make fruits ? from now, it will not!


What is "Kol Kli"?


Rashi: It is any Kli. Radak ? even a small Kli. This is like "Kol Melachah Lo Sa'asu" (Vayikra 23:3) ? any Melachah. "Kol Chelev v'Chol Dam Lo Sochelu" (ibid. 3:17) ? any Chelev or blood.

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