
It already said above (14:30) that there was war between Rechav'am and Yaravam. Why is this repeated after it already said that Rechav'am died and Aviyam became king?


Malbim citing Mahari: This teaches that Aviyam was primary in the war, for Rechav'am was weak-hearted, like it says in Divrei ha'Yamim II, 13:7.


Malbim: This is repeated due to verse 7. This war, and other matters of Aviyam are written in Divrei ha'Yamim 1 . The verse teaches that the war began in the days of Rechav'am, and finished in the days of Aviyam; he was the victor.


Also above (14:30), the following verse said that other matters of Rechav'am are written in Divrei ha'Yamim. If here it includes the war mentioned in the previous verse, the same applies above, and there was no need to mention the war here! (PF)

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