
Why does it say "Gadol Adoneinu v'Rav Ko'ach"?


Radak: A mortal king who must conduct many states, he wearies to conduct all of them as one. If he conducts the near ones properly, he lacks strength to do so for the far ones. And even if he has strength, he lacks understanding. Our Master conducts the entire world straightly; he has power and understanding.


Radak (7): It was Gevurah Gedolah to take a small nation out of many nations (regarding the future Ge'ulah). Also rain is called "Gedolos Ad Ein Cheker; ha'Nosen Matar


What is the meaning of "li'Svunaso Ein Mispar"?


Radak: There is no number to the matters about which He has understanding. Number does not apply to understanding itself; it is qualitative, and not numerical. Regarding the quality of His understanding, it says "v'Ein Cheker li'Svunaso" (40:28).


Malbim: There is no end to His Chachmah.

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