
What is Hashem's "Gedulah"?


Malbim: He is the first of all causes and the end of all that is caused; everything is from Him.


Why does it say 'veli'Gdulaso Ein Cheker"?


Radak: If I want to aggrandize Him and praise Him, man cannot grasp His grandeur, for it has no limit. Rather, man praises Him according to his intellect.


Seforno: One cannot seek a connection between His existence and the existence of things other than Him; they are different genres 1 .


Malbim: No investigation will suffice to recognize His greatness itself, the more that we investigate His grandeur, we know that we do not know. Researchers said that the descriptions and praises are negative (He has no shortcomings), and not positive.


His existence is inescapable. The existence of everything else is only due to His desire. (PF)

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