What does this Mizmor discuss?
Rashi (3): It is on behalf of all of Yisrael (that Hashem hear their prayer and save them).
Radak, Malbim: This is like the previous Mizmor. Refer to 142:1:1:1.
What is the difference between "Tefilah" and "Tachanunai"?
Malbim: Tefilah is fixed prayer that we pray due to His general conduct, e.g. Shemoneh Esre that Anshei Keneses ha'Gedolah enacted. We arrange His praise at the beginning and at the end, and general requests are in the middle. After Tefilah are Tachanunim (supplications), what an individual requests for himself.
What is "be'Emunasecha"?
Rashi: To believe in the promise that You promised to me.
Malbim: This refers to Tefilah (refer to 143:1:2:1). Hashem is faithful to fulfill the general laws that He made to sustain living beings, falling of rain
What is "b'Tzidkasecha"?
Radak: You are Tzadik and straight, and You will show that I am just and the evil is with my enemies.
Malbim: This refers to Tachanunim (refer to 143:1:2:1). Hashem is not obligated to fulfill individual requests. Rather, He does so amidst supreme Tzedakah due to His Midos - Rachum, Chanun and Rav Chesed.