
What did Hashem mean when He said "Im Lo Ka'asher Dibartem be'Oznai kein E'eseh lachem"?


Rashi and Seforno: With reference to their statement "O ba'Midbar ha'Zeh Lu Masnu" 1 Hashem now said that He would carry out their request. 2


Ramban: Hashem swore that what they had said would He not carry out? 3


Seforno: and "Nasheinu ve'Tapeinu Yih'yu la'Vaz."


Seforno: As well as the statement of the spies themselves, who stated "Eretz Ocheles Yoshvehah Hi" - all of this will materialize, though not all at the same time.


Ramban: The words are inverted, as if it had written "Im Ka'asher Dibartem Lo E'eseh lachem?" - in a way that negative implies positive, as is the case following a Shevu'ah, like we find in Yechezkel, 3:6 and in Yeshayah, 14:24. Refer also to 14:30:1:1.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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