What is the meaning of "Im Yir'u es ha'Aretz"?
Rashi, Ramban and Seforno: It means they will not see the land. 1
Seforno: Like all cases of "Im" which are not followed by a double stipulation - such as Bereishis 14:23 and Shmuel 1, 19:10.
To whom does "ve'Chol Mena'atzai Lo Yir'uhah" refer?
Ramban #1 (citing Ibn Ezra) and Seforno: It refers to the children of the current generation who are under twenty, and who will not see the land either in the event that they sin. 1
Ramban #2 and Targum Yonasan: It is a general statement which refers to anyone or any generation that angers Hashem.
Ramban #3 (citing Ta'anis, 29b): It refers to the generations that went into exile. 2
Oznayim la'Torah (based on a Midrash Rabah): It refers to those between the ages of thirteen and twenty who participated in the rebellion. 3
Seforno: As occurred to the followers of Korach, those who sinned by Pe'or and those who were bitten by the snakes.
Ramban: With reference to the Bechiyah le'Doros mentioned earlier. Refer to 14:1:2:1**.
See Oznayim la'Torah.
What are the implications of "Salachti ki'Devarecha" (in Pasuk 20), in light of this Pasuk "Im Yir'u es ha'Aretz"?
Ramban #1 (on Pasuk 17, citing the Ibn Ezra): It implies that Hashem did not really forgive Yisrael as long as they had not done Teshuvah, and that "Salachti" 1 is synonymous with "Arichas Apayim. 2
Ramban #2 (on Pasuk 17): It nevertheless implies forgiveness - because Hashem had withdrawn His original decree to kill the whole of Yisrael together with their children and to make Moshe into a great nation in their place. 3