What did Moshe mean when he said "ve'Atah Yigdal Na Ko'ach Hashem"?
Rashi #1, Ramban #1 and Targum Onkelos: He meant simply 1 that Hashem should show strength (Kevayachol) and keep His word. 2
Rashi #2 (K'sav Yad Teiman), Rashbam. Da'as Zekenim, Hadar Zekenim and Moshav Zekenim: He meant that Hashem should quash His anger. 3
Rashi #3 In Devarim, 3:24) 4 : It refers to Hashem's Midah of Goodness.
Ramban #2 (according to Kabalah) and Seforno: He meant that Hashem should show strength 5 (Kevayachol) by overcoming the Midas ha'Din. 6
Targum Yonasan: He meant that Hashem should show strength (Kevayachol) by having compassion on Yisrael and by keeping His word to him 7 by making him a great nation.
Oznayim la'Torah: He was referring to the first Midah that he was about to mention 'Erech Apayim", since the ability to hold back the punishment for another time is a sign of strength - a weak person is forced to punish his adversary as soon as he falls into his hands, for fear that if today, he has the upper-hand, tomorrow, his adversary might gain the upper-hand over him. 8
See Sifsei Chachamim. See also Rashi, Devarim, 2:24.
As the Pasuk goes on to explain.
As the Pasuk states in Mishlei 16:32 "Tov Erech Apayim mi'Gibor".
Commenting on the words "es Godl'cha" there.
As Chazal say in Pirkrei Avos, 4:1: 'Eizehu Gibor. ha'Kovesh es Yitzro!'
Ramban: Because Hashem here is spelled 'Alef, Daled, Nun, Yud', implying that the Midas ha'Din was facing them.
See Pasuk 12.
See Oznayim la'Torah DH 'Ko'ach Hashem'.
How could Moshe say to Hashem "Yigdal Na Ko'ach Hashem"?
Shabbos, 89a: Because, when Moshe ascended Har Sinai and Hashem asked him why he did not greet Him, he responded 'Does an Eved greet his master'? And when Hashem said to him 'You should have encouraged Me', he immediately 1 declared 'Yigdal Na Ko'ach Hashem!'
It is not clear what 'immediately' means. See Torah Temimah, note 10, who explains the Gemara in Shabbos based on ta B?raysa in B?rachos, 7a.cites B?rachos, 7a
What was Moshe referring to when he said "Ka'asher Dibarta"?
Rashi: He was referring to Hashem's reply to Moshe's suggestion that Resha'im should not be subject to "Erech Apayim". 1
Targum Yonasan: "Ka'asher Dibarta" refers to hav ing compassion on Yisrael, via the Midos of Mercy and making him (Moshe) into a great Nation. 2
Why did Moshe add the word "Ka?asher Dibarta Leimor?
Oznayim la'Torah: It refers to Hashem's promise - when Moshe was standing by the cleft in the rock - that whenever Yisrael sin and one reads out the thirteen Midos, He will forgive them.
Why is the 'Yud' in "Yigdal" big?
Moshav Zekenim: Moshe said, 'If they tested You ten times, remember Avraham, who was tested ten times, and on the tenth test, the Akeidah, he withheld his mercy to do Your will. So Your mercy should withhold Your anger! Remember your servant 1 , who was blessed with ten B'rachos, and Yosef, who had mercy on his ten brothers 2 [who conspired against him]'.
Oznayim la'Torah: Moshe said 'If they tested You ten times ... ' - See answer #1. 'And if they spoke Lashon ha'Ra against Eretz Yisrael, which is sanctified with ten levels of Kedushah, remember how they accepted the Ten Commandments and the entire Torah, for which the world was created with Ten Commands'.
Presumsbly this refers to Ya'akov. who received ten B'rachos in Bereishis 27:28 & 29. (PF)
As the Pasuk testifies in Bereishis, 50:21 "va'Yedaber el Libam".
Why did Moshe not mention the Z'chus Avos?
Ramban and Moshav Zekenim 1 : Z'chus Avos was not appropriate here, since the people were rejecting the land that the Avos treasured.
This seems to clash with what the Moshav Zekenim said earlier on this Pasuk. Refer to 14:17:151:1! (PF)