
Why does the Pasuk add the words "Kol Y'mei Hisgir oso"?


Rashi: To preclude from the Din of Tum'ah the days that the owner is changing the stones and the mortar prior to the Hesger. 1


But not after the Kohen has declared it Tamei Muchlat, which is included in the Din of Tum'ah - since the Torah writes "Kol Yemei" (Rashi).


Why doesw the Torah not mention Kibus Begadim in connection with someone who enters the Tamei house.


Sifra: Because it is only someone who either eats in the house or lies down in it 1 who requires Kibus Begadim.


Refer to 14:47:1:1.


Why does the Torah discuss one who enters the house, and not one who is already in the house?


Shevu'os 17b: To teach us that, if he enters in an unusual manner - backwards, 1 he is not Tamei until his entire body is in the house. 2


Aderes Eliyahu: If, however, he enters normally, once his head and majority are in the house, he is Tamei.


Once his entire body is in the house he is Tamei, even if he entered backwards, like Keilim that are in the house

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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