
The Torah specified that one of the male lambs is an Asham. Which of the remaining lambs and the female lamb is the Chatas and which one, the Olah?


Rashi, Ramban and Moshav Zekeinim: The female lamb is brought as the Chatas and the male lamb, as the Olah. 1


Ramban and Moshav Zekenim: Thisis because the Torah already taught us thatan Olah is always a male, and the Chatas of a Yachid is a female.


Why is a Metzora obligated to bring both an Asham and a Chatas?


Ramban: The Asham, to atone for the sin that he performed that brought on the Tzara'as; the Chatas, because perhaps he sinned whilst living outside the camp


Oznayim la'Torah: Like we find by Iyov. (Iyov,1:5) who brought Korbanos on behalf of his sons for the same reason.


What purpose did the three tenths of an Eifah of flour serve?


Rashi: One tenth of an Eifah accompanied each of the three Korbanos as a Minchas Nesachim. 1


Moshav Zekenim: The three sheep, three Esronim and one Log, seven in all, hint that he should engage in the seven Chumashim; refer to 14:7:151:1.


Even though no other Chatas or Asham requires a Minchas Nesachim. Menachos: We know that the Torah is referring to a Minchas Nesachim and not an independent Minchah (See Torah Temimah, note 63), since "Vehe'elah ha'Kohen es ha'Olah ve'es ha'Minchah" (in Pasuk 20) implies that it is a Minchas Nesachim (Torah Temimah).


What purpose did the extra Log of oil serve?


Rashi: To sprinkle from it on the Mitaher and to place some of it on the middle joint of his right ear and on his right thumb and big toe.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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